The Morning Altars Practice
In my best-selling book, Morning Altars, I lay out the 7-steps of this healing practice.
While people all over the world have used the 7-steps to inspire their personal practice, it has also become a guidebook at institutions, schools, and centers around the world including: The American Montessori Society, Alzheimer's Association, Esalen Institute, and Compassion and Choices End of Life, and many more.
Each step is a joyful journey to slow you down and guide you back into relationship with the living world and yourself.
The core capacity of the practice is: “Outer Landscape / Inner Landscape” – a technique to notice nature reflected within you and to notice yourself reflected within nature. Each step utilizes this technique.
While the practice culminates in the creation of a nature altar, what’s embedded in each step are fundamental therapeutic skills such as creativity, wonder, reciprocity, praise, presence, playfulness and non-attachment..
From Me to We
Recognizing a growing desire among our community to dive deeper into the Morning Altars practice, we launched our Certification Teacher Training program in 2021. The Teacher Training program was carefully designed to equip helpers and healers with the knowledge, skills, and tools to integrate the Morning Altars modality with their clients and communities.
We have already graduated two cohorts of over 150 students representing 15 countries and have successfully trained a broad range of service professionals who have synthesized this innovative practice into their service and healing work.