WHO: As a Gift of Gratitude on Earth Day
WHAT: We’re going to make nature altars together as an offering of our love, our dedication, our grief, our gratitude for our home planet and all her inhabitants. We’ll first meet on Zoom and I will teach you the 7-steps of how-to. Then we’ll leave the screens and go out to our own backyards, parks, stoops (or if you can’t go outside, stay in) and collect leaves, berries, bark or flowers (or anything from your home). Once we have our palette of treasures we will get focused in on the creative process!! At the end, we’ll come back together on Zoom and do an art + ritual tour of all the amazing altars we made from all over the world AND dedicate them to the spirit of place and Earth.
WHEN: Sunday, April 26th from 10am to about 1:30pm PST
WHERE: Zoom and in your own places
WHY: It’s not enough to only sustain, defend, protect and fight for our Earth. We need to love her too, Making art from nature is a way back into that love. It helps speak the language of nature which is wonder. Additionally, it helps us use all our senses, make order out of chaos, calm our minds, pique our curiosity, activate our creativity, and use our hands to make something meaningful — all in devotion to our Earth.
HOW MUCH: Sliding scale $18-$54 for the 3+ hour workshop
MORE: Once you sign up, I will send you a document of the itinerary for the day as well as things to prepare. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me directly at day@morningaltars.com